Review of International Cooperation

The CCR is responsible for editing and publishing the Review of International Co-operation. The Review takes on the form of conference proceedings, but it is also open to disassociate strictly from CCR conferences and produces issues dedicated to themes such as co-operative governance, finance, etc. The CCR may also engage in other (joint) publications on an ad hoc basis.


Issues available in electronic form are as follows:

Review of International Co-operation 108/2023 - Special issue on the Cooperative Identity II

Review of International Co-operation 107/2023 - Special issue on the Cooperative Identity I

Review of International Co-operation 106/2021

Review of International Co-operation 105/2019

Review of International Co-operation 104/2017

Review of International Co-operation 103/2014

Review of International Co-operation 102/2013

Review of International Co-operation 101/2012

Review of International Co-operation 100/2007

Review of International Co-operation 99/2006

Review of International Co-operation 98/2005 - 2

Review of International Co-operation 98/2005 - 1

Review of International Co-operation 97/2004

Review of International Co-operation 96/2003

Review of International Co-operation 95/2002

Review of International Co-operation 94/2001 - 2

Review of International Co-operation 94/2001 - 1

Review of International Co-operation 88/1995 - 2, 4

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1991-2000

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1981-1990

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1971-1980

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1961-1970

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1951-1960

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1941-1950

Index - Review of International Co-operation 1932-1940

Index - International Co-operative Bulletin 1922-1930

Index - International Co-operative Bulletin 1914-1920