Review of International Cooperation 107 / 108

Special issues on the Cooperative Identity

Save the date - ICA CCR Global research conference 2025

8-11 July, 2025, Montreal, Canada
HEC Montreal

Welcome to the ICA Committee on Cooperative Research

The Committee on Cooperative Research (CCR) is a thematic committee of the International Cooperative Alliance. It is a bridge between academic research and the cooperative world.

Regional networks

CCR Regional networks represent various groups of cooperative researchers and their networks in Africa, Americas, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe.

Latest CCR news

CCR Leuven

El Comité de Investigación Cooperativa (CCR, siglas en...

El profesor Johnston Birchall, destacado académico...

En el número 105 de la Review of International...

Latest CCR calls

Cooperative research centers

Social media feed

