ICA Cooperative Research Conference - Theme 3. Committing to Our Cooperative Identity


  • In using hyperlinks on the presentation titles, you can download extended abstracts.
  • No interpretation is provided for the recorded sessions.
  • Thematic lines used in the recorded sessions do not correspond always to the final ones used in the attached Abstract book.

3.1. For the Survival of the Planet

Climate action

  • Environment and the ICA-EU Partnership: Links between Cooperatives and Climate Action with a Global Thematic Research on Environment (Jeffrey Moxom, International Cooperative Alliance, John Emerson, Cooperatives Europe, Simren Singh, ICA Asia-Pacific, Melvin Khabenje, ICA Africa and Carlos González Blanco, Cooperatives of the Americas)
  • Co-operative Values in a Heating World (Saint Mary's University, Canada)
  • The cooperative and the circular economy model sustainable solution. The Portuguese case study (Ana Cristina Pego, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)

3.2. For Peace and Equality


3.4. For Strengthening the Community

Community and territory

  • Contribution of the mutual insurances in Korean social economy to the community (LEE Hyangsook, iCOOP Co-operative Institute, Korea)
  • The Social Economy Organizations and Networks in Rural South Korea – Trends and Challenges (KIM Jeongseop, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Korea and KIM Sue-Lynn, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
  • Developing an alternative model of cooperative: A case of auto rickshaw taxi cooperative in Cambodia (BAEK Soonjib, Good Neighbors Global Impact Foundation, Korea)
  • Alternative Rural Development Strategy with Local Organic Food Cooperative Movement for producers-consumers coexistence (CHO Wanhyung, Yonam College / Kyungpook National University, Korea)

3.5. For Facing Crises with Strength

Cooperatives and (post-) COVID-19 pandemic