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- Thematic lines used in the recorded sessions do not correspond always to the final ones used in the attached Abstract book.
3.1. For the Survival of the Planet
Climate action
- Environment and the ICA-EU Partnership: Links between Cooperatives and Climate Action with a Global Thematic Research on Environment (Jeffrey Moxom, International Cooperative Alliance, John Emerson, Cooperatives Europe, Simren Singh, ICA Asia-Pacific, Melvin Khabenje, ICA Africa and Carlos González Blanco, Cooperatives of the Americas)
- Co-operative Values in a Heating World (Saint Mary's University, Canada)
- The cooperative and the circular economy model sustainable solution. The Portuguese case study (Ana Cristina Pego, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
3.2. For Peace and Equality
- A contribution of Cooperativism to a possible process of economic integration in the Korean Peninsula (Rui Samarcos Lora, University of Coimbra, Portugal)
- The contribution of cooperatives to positive peace: literature review (Claudia Sanchez Bajo, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- La economía social: una forma de entender la transición a la vida civil de la población excombatiente FARC-EP (Deisy Milena Sorzano Rodríguez, Cetys Universidad, Mexico and Etienne Mulume Oderhwa, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Mexico)
3.4. For Strengthening the Community
Community and territory
- Self Help and State Initiated Cooperatives as Community Development Organizations Enabling Human Rights (Mary Ann R. Santiago, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines)
- Social practices and new membership figures for the definition of a territorial cooperative model (Francesco Vigliarolo, Catholic University of La Plata / CESOT UBA, Argentina)
- Subject relationships in the community as an impetus for the development of the profile of a cooperative person. (Carla Santos Machado, I.COOP, Brazil)
- The Cooperative Principle of Concern for Community: what is community (Claudia Sanchez Bajo, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Contribution of the mutual insurances in Korean social economy to the community (LEE Hyangsook, iCOOP Co-operative Institute, Korea)
- The Social Economy Organizations and Networks in Rural South Korea – Trends and Challenges (KIM Jeongseop, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Korea and KIM Sue-Lynn, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Korea)
- Developing an alternative model of cooperative: A case of auto rickshaw taxi cooperative in Cambodia (BAEK Soonjib, Good Neighbors Global Impact Foundation, Korea)
- Alternative Rural Development Strategy with Local Organic Food Cooperative Movement for producers-consumers coexistence (CHO Wanhyung, Yonam College / Kyungpook National University, Korea)
3.5. For Facing Crises with Strength
Cooperatives and (post-) COVID-19 pandemic
- Cooperatives and social and solidarity economy in Argentina. Trajectory and its current role in complex scenarios. (Paula Cecilia Rosa Inés Liliana García, Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales, Argentina)
- Rebuilding the economy after Covid-19: the contribution of large cooperatives to the recovery phase (Chiara Carini, EURICSE, Italy)
- The COVID-19 crisis and the global microcredit industry: An opportunity to move to new local cooperative financial models (Milford Bateman, Juraj Dobrila University, Croatia / Saint Mary's University, Canada)
Abstract book_EN_FINAL.pdf
(5.94 MB)
Abstract book_ES_FINAL.pdf
(6.72 MB)
Abstract book_FR_FINAL.pdf
(6.8 MB)