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The CCR appointed Camilla Carabini (PhD candidate, University of Milano - Bicocca) as the new Young Scholar representative (YS representative) for a four-year term. She takes over from Dr Paola Rafaelli, who has served as a YS representative for eight years.
As an economic anthropologist, Camilla Carabini specialises in money, finance, digital currencies, and cooperatives. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Bocconi University in Milan, and a Master's degree in Anthropology from La Sapienza University in Rome. Currently, she is pursuing her PhD at the University of Milano - Bicocca, with a focus on Central Bank Digital Currencies, financial inclusion and financial cooperatives in Jamaica.
In addition to her academic pursuits, she serves on the steering committee of the Fondazione Finanza Etica and works as a freelancer, conducting research on anthropology and cryptocurrencies. Her expertise in international cooperative development is rooted in her past experience as the director of Coopermondo - Confcooperative, an NGO that promotes social enterprises and cooperatives in Africa and Latin America. Prior to her doctoral studies, she also gained valuable experience at Laterza publishing house.
As a CCR executive member, the ICA CCR Young Scholar representative (YS representative) speaks for young and emerging researchers, ensuring that all CCR global or regional conferences have a Young Scholars Programme (YSP), be that via special sections, activities, or events thought and developed by and for Early Career Researchers.