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A new study produced in the framework of the ICA-EU Partnership (#coops4dev) examines how cooperatives can help to address some of the challenges faced by young people.
Titled Young people and cooperatives: a perfect match?, the report is based on a survey involving over 420 young people, including young cooperators and young people less familiar with the cooperative model.
In addition to featuring successful youth cooperatives, the report looks at the ways in which the cooperative movement can strengthen their support for young people.
The study was co-produced by all ICA regional offices with the support of the Co-operative College and input from the ICA Youth Network. The research focuses on five key areas: employment, education, inequalities, engagement and civic participation, and entrepreneurship. It also provides a series of recommendations to help cooperatives better engage and support young people from the cooperative movement.
ICA Director General, Bruno Roelants, said: “This study is a mind-opener, and its conclusions and recommendations provide essential food for thought to us all within the cooperative movement on how to promote youth cooperatives, youth employment and participation in cooperatives, as well as education on cooperatives”.
Sonja Novkovic, Chair of the ICA’s Committee on Cooperative Research also said: “The Young people and cooperatives: a perfect match? report under the ICA-EU Partnership is a welcome contribution to exploration of cooperative enterprise as a vehicle to address social and economic needs of young people. When presented with the option, youth are attracted to cooperative enterprises as values based, self-help organisations. The report sheds light on the gaps in knowledge and support needed to take full advantage of this synergy.”
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Read the full report here!