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Leaders across the European Union have expressed their support for co-operative enterprises as a means to achieve sustainable development.
The Industry, Research and Energy Committee (ITRE) of the European Parliament adopted a motion for a resolution on the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan that gives a new impetus to co-operative development.
The amendment, proposed by Austrian MEP Paul Rübig (EPP) and Italian MEP Patrizia Toia (S&D) underlines that all measures proposed to promote entrepreneurship at national and European level should apply to all forms of enterprises, including co-operatives.
Agnès Mathis, Deputy Director at Cooperatives Europe, commented: “This report represents another step in the right direction towards a real recognition that in Europe there are different ways of doing business, which equally deserve the attention of policy makers."
This motion follows on from the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) opinion on the 2020 Entrepreneurship Action Plan adopted in May 2013 and Patrizia Toia’s report on the contribution of co-operatives to overcoming the crisis.
Patrizia Toia said: “The goal is an official recognition, at European level, of the validity of the co-operative model. It is important to remark the fact that, at a time like this, characterised by severe economic crisis, co-operative enterprises are those that are adapting better."
Representatives of European co-operative organisations have also met with Antonio Tajani, Vice-president of the European Commision to discuss future priorities for co-operative development across the EU.
Co-operatives were also praised by the Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano. Unable to attend the General Assembly of the Italian Co-operative Alliance, Mr Napolitano sent a letter to the President of the Italian Co-operative Alliance, Poletti, in which he highlighted the importance of co-operatives in the context of the economic crisis. He said: “Boosting employment should be at the heart of our work. The co-operative movement is the first to make its distinctive contribution to tacking the difficult challenges facing the whole country.”
Pope Francis has also expressed his support for co-operative enterprises. In a video message sent to the General Assembly, he highlighted the importance of the co-operatives and co-operation as a way of life. He spoke of an economy based on co-operation that exists to serve the people, arguing that co-operatives could help to spread ethical values.