The deadline for submissions for the…
The European Association for Co-operative Banks (EACB) is running a competition for young researchers interested in cooperative banks.
The 10th EACB Award for Young Researchers is aimed at researchers under the age of 35; co-authored papers are eligible provided all writers are under the age limit.
To qualify, contributions must not have already been published in scientific journals or books before 27 May 2022, and be under 10,000 words. EACB is particularly interested in papers that compare cooperative banks with other types of banking organisations.
Other topics of interest include:
• Innovation, digitalisation: challenges and opportunities for cooperative banks
• The specific governance of cooperative banks and the evolution of their business model
• The challenge of open banking for cooperative banks
• Cooperative banks: ‘Creating member value’
• Regulatory challenges of cooperative banks
• Cooperative banks and financial stability
• Diversity in banking: the role of cooperative banks
• Contribution of cooperative banks to competition in European banking
• Cooperative banks' contribution to sustainability of society and the environment
• Cooperative banks and social and financial inclusion
• International comparison of cooperative banks
• Are there distinct characteristics of cooperative banks (the cooperative difference)?
• Culture in stakeholders value (cooperative) banks: is it different from shareholder banks?
The deadline for submissions is 27 May 2022. These can be submitted to
The best paper will be awarded €2,000 in autumn 2022. Special mentions will also be awarded. The winning papers will be published on the EACB website.
Further information is available on the EACB website.