Call for Papers for the 13th ICA-AP Cooperative Research Conference in Tehran

09 May 2018

Call for Papers

The ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research invites paper proposals for the 13th ICA-AP Cooperative Research Conference, which will be held on November 27, 2018 in Tehran, Iran. The conference is organized under the auspices of ICA-AP Committee on Co-operative Research, in conjunction with ICA-AP Regional Assembly and Cooperative Forum. The Conference Theme is “Co-operatives contribute to more sustainable and resilient societies”.  A Call for Papers comprising the theme and sub-themes, is enclosed for your information.   


The ICA-AP Research Committee is happy to announce that 2 best paper awards (US$ 500 and US$ 300) would be given to young researchers (researchers not over 35 years of age), presenting their papers in the conference. 

All abstracts of the papers should reach Mr Mohit Dave, Secretary, ICA-AP Committee on Co-operative Research at on or before 1st August, 2018.

You are requested to please circulate this announcement among concerned persons, who are interested or engaged in cooperative research.

This is also to inform you that the next meeting of the ICA-AP Committee on Cooperative Research will be held at the same venue immediately after the conference. Committee Members are requested to attend the meeting. Agenda and other details of the meeting and conference will be conveyed to you in due course of time.