The deadline for submissions for the…
How are cooperatives contributing to the cultural heritage of their regions? To answer this question a team from the Center for the Study of Sociology of Labor at the University of Buenos Aires has developed an interactive cooperative map, which lists over 60 cooperatives across the country.
Since its launch in 2017, the map has helped increase the sector’s visibility while raising awareness of the movement, disseminating good practices and sharing knowledge and experience.
The project was developed by a team from the Center for the Study of the Sociology of Labor at the University of Buenos Aires, within the framework of the Education Program in Cooperativism and Social Economy.
In addition to the University of Buenos Aires, the project benefited from the support of Universidad Nacional de Rosario and the Universidad Católica Argentina.
The development of the map was possible with the support of cooperative federations across the country, including: ACA (Association of Argentine Cooperatives), Cooperar (Cooperative Confederation of the Argentine Republic), FACE (Argentine Federation of Electricity and Other Public Services Cooperatives), FeCoVitA (Federation of Argentine Wine Cooperatives), La Riojana (Vitivinifrutícola Cooperative of La Rioja), and Idelcoop (Cooperation Institute) and InterCoop Editora Cooperativa.
More information about the project is available at